How Etsy Can Help You Decorate Your New Home For Less

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If you’ve just moved into a new home or are dreaming about it – it might be time to re-think your artwork. Typically artwork can be extremely pricey – if you want a one-of-a-kind piece or something custom designed for your home. But, now – has broken down those cost barriers and has made it extremely easy to work directly with local and nationally acclaimed artists. allows artists and craftspeople to create virtual stores that can be used to sell their latest artwork. As an Etsy user you can browse artwork or crafts by keywords, categories, artist name or location.

Here are some tips for finding that special piece for your home.

1. Pick a Type

This might sound simple, but there are tons of categories or types of art you can choose from, so be specific and choose this first before adding your keywords.

2. Handmade vs. Vintage

Etsy allows people to sell vintage AND handmade items. So, be clear – if you want to buy direct from an artist, be sure to select “handmade” at the top of the search list.

3. Search

Once you narrow down the category and sub-category, be sure to include any keywords that you would like included in the description. For instance: color, types of scenes (mountains, ocean), artist names, general feel (texture, light, dark).

Once you find a piece that you would like to purchase, review the “shop policies” to ensure there isn’t anything hidden in the policy that doesn’t jive with your expected delivery schedule, return policy or shipping prices.

You can always request original pieces from artists if you have an idea or you can always ask for discounts if you plan to buy multiple pieces.